Repair of Opel Corsa C, from 2000 to 2005 of release.
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
2.1. Petrol engines Z10XE, Z10XEP, Z12XE, Z12XEP DOHC-I
2.2. Mechanical part of petrol engines Z10XE, Z10XEP, Z12XE, Z12XEP DOHC-I
2.2.1. Regulation of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye by impact on a camshaft of Z10XEP, Z12XE, Z14XEP (since the end 2004 till 2005 of release)
2.2.2. Adjustment of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye (Z10XE, Z10XEP, without the conditioner)
2.2.3. Replacement of a poliklinovy belt (Z10XE, Z10XEP, with the conditioner)
2.2.4. Head of the block of cylinders
2.2.5. Removal and GRM case installation (Z10XE, Z10XEP)
2.2.6. Engine repair (Z10XE, Z10XEP, without the conditioner)
2.2.7. Block of cylinders, krivoshipno-shatunny mechanism and piston group
2.3. Cooling system
2.4. Greasing system
2.5. Injection system
2.6. Petrol engines – the general procedures of check
2.7. Mechanical part of the engine
2.8. Verifying and repair operations of components of a mechanical part of the engine
2.9. Cooling system
2.10. System of injection of fuel of petrol engines
2.11. Greasing system
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Electric equipment schemes

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2.2.5. Removal and GRM case installation (Z10XE, Z10XEP)

Since a year of release 04 instead of the KM-6169-1 adaptation it is necessary to use KM-6394.

Open a cowl.
Disconnect plugs of the storage battery.

On cars since a year of release 04 with ESP – after each detachment of the accumulator the sensor of an angle of rotation of a steering wheel loses the main installation. It it is necessary откалибровать anew.

Disconnect a weight wire.
Merge cooling liquid.

On option of the ECO model uncover motor office below.

Substitute the reception pallet.
Open a carving stopper of a drain opening (shooter).
Remove the case of the air filter 1.
Disconnect 2 sockets of a plait of wires, a termoanemometrichesky film mass flowmeter of air 3 and the valve of ventilation of a tank 2.
Release the valve of ventilation of a tank.
Dismantle soaking-up branch pipe 4.
Turn off 2 nuts.
Dismantle a hose of ventilation of a case of the engine 5.
On Z10XEP engines: remove soaking-up air hose.
Release a collar.
Unscrew a bolt (shooter).
Remove a hose of heating of a branch pipe of a butterfly valve 1.
Release a collar.
Remove submitting hose of warm water 6 from the pump of cooling liquid.
Release a collar.
Dismantle a plait of wires of a control system of the engine.
Disconnect 3 sockets of a plait of wires, the relay of pressure of oil 3, the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid 4, the sensor of a camshaft 5.
Release the channel for a plait of wires 2.
Plait of wires put aside.
Remove a radiator hose above 1.
Release 2 collars.
Radiator hose below 2 disconnect from the pump of cooling liquid.
Release a collar.
Dismantle the ignition module.
Uncover the ignition module.
Shift it to the right.
Disconnect the socket of a plait of wires.
Turn off 2 bolts of fastening.
Take out by means of the KM-6009 adaptation.

Do not warp the provision of a cover.

Uncover heads of cylinders.
Remove a hose of ventilation of a case of the engine.
Release a collar.
Turn off 13 bolts of fastening.
Release a forward wheel on the right.
Turn off 4 bolts of fastening.
Lift the car.
Remove a forward wheel on the right.
Turn off 4 bolts of fastening.
Lift the car.
Remove a casing of a poliklinovy belt.

On option of the ECO model uncover motor office below 1.

Unscrew 3 bolts of fastening 1.
Remove a clip (shooter).
Close a carving stopper of a drain opening of cooling liquid.
Merge engine oil.
Substitute other reception pallet.
Turn off a carving stopper of a drain opening.

Bends of a flexible tube even angular degrees in relation to the provided assembly position can cause on 5-10 damage of a flexible hose with the subsequent exit it out of operation.

Release an exhaust system.

At removal of the average exhaust silencer, the catalyst, a final collector or a final collector with the catalyst it is necessary to secure a part of system of release of OG remaining in the car against uncontrollable sagging. For this purpose the part of system of release of OG with the flexible tube which was in it can be fixed suitable means, for example, by means of a wire on a running gear.

Remove the socket of a plait of wires a lambda sensor of control of the catalyst 1.
Release 2 dempfiruyushchy partitions (arrows).
Turn off an exhaust pipe in front 2.
Turn off 3 nuts.
Exhaust pipe in front attach to the case of the forward bridge at the left.
Bolts a krepleniyay stopper for plum of oil of the engine tighten the moment of 10 N · m.
Replace a sealing ring.
Remove a plait of wires of the generator 1.
Turn off 2 nuts.
Remove cable collars.
Remove a poliklinovy belt.
The tension device of a poliklinovy belt by means of the KM-6131 adaptation pull in the arrow direction.
Insert the KM-6130 adaptation.
Dismantle the tension device of a poliklinovy belt.

It is necessary to track an appropriate support of the tension device of a poliklinovy belt (the arrow shows up). If it cannot be provided, it is necessary to let the air out from the tension device of a poliklinovy belt. For this purpose it is necessary to execute not less than 5 courses to (extend-press), and speed of loading should remain a constant, and loading to be carried out evenly. Do not allow damages of a tension element.

Pull the tension device of a poliinovy belt by means of the KM-6131 adaptation.
Take out the KM-6130 adaptation.
Weaken a tension of the tension device of a poliklinovy belt.
Turn off 2 bolts of fastening 1.
Dismantle the generator.
Turn off 2 carving connections 1.
Dismantle the oil pallet.
On a transmission unscrew 3 bolts of fastening 1.
On a support of a cranked shaft turn off 14 bolts of fastening.
Establish the KM-6169-2 adaptation on a transmission.
Tighten 2 bolts of fastening the moment of 95 N · m.
Establish the KM-61691 adaptation.
KM-6169 get at the left on the case of the forward bridge (shooters, fig. I).

The directing finger should settle down in an opening in the case of the forward bridge.

Both holders on the right establish on the case of the forward bridge (shooters, fig. II).

The directing finger should settle down in an opening in the case of the forward bridge (an arrow, fig. III).

Tighten 8 bolts of fastening.
Establish a support on the KM-6169 adaptation.
Establish fastening 2 for a support.
Twirl a nut 1.
Adjust support.
From a transmission spindles wrap so that fastenings 3 on directing pins adjoined without a gap.
From engine management a pin of a support insert into an opening of the block of cylinders without a gap (shooter).
Tighten a nut 1.
Turn off the holder of the engine on the right.
Release a bolt 1 below.
Lower the car.
Dismantle the compressor.

Central air of air remains closed.

Disconnect the socket of a plait of wires (shooter).
Unscrew 3 bolts of fastening 1.
The compressor put aside.
Lower the car.
Remove the holder of the engine on the right.
Release the amortization block of the engine.
Turn off 2 bolts of fastening 1.
Turn off 2 bolts of fastening (shooters).
Dismantle a pulley poliklinovy ременя the pump of cooling liquid.
Turn off 3 bolts of fastening.
Remove the tension device of a poliklinovy belt.
Turn out a bolt.
Dismantle a branch pipe of cooling liquid.
Turn off 3 bolts of fastening.
Establish the provision VMT of ignition of the cylinder 1.
Remove a carving stopper of a support of a cranked shaft.
Insert the KM-952 adaptation.

The mark in a belt pulley of a cranked shaft 4 should be on one line with a lug 3 on the GRM case.

Cranked shaft evenly turn until the KM-952 adaptation will be grasped.
Insert the KM-953 adaptation.

KM-953 should enter into a groove of camshafts.

Take out the KM-953 adaptation.
Lift the car.
Dismantle a pulley poliklinovy ременя a cranked shaft 1.
Turn off 6 bolts of fastening.
Hold a bolt of a nave of a cranked shaft.
Release a bolt of a nave of a cranked shaft.
Take out the KM-952 adaptation.
Establish the KM-956-1/KM-956-2 3 adaptation.
Hold KM-956-1/KM-956-2 adaptations.
Remove a nave of a cranked shaft 2.

Observe assembly situation.

Insert the KM-952 adaptation.
Turn out a bolt.
Take out it by means of KM-956-1/KM-956-2 adaptations.
Release the GRM case from below.

Consider different length of bolts of fastening.

Turn off 2 bolts of fastening 3 (М10).
Turn off 14 bolts of fastening (М6) (shooters).
Lower the car.
Dismantle the pump of cooling liquid.

At removal pay attention to directing plugs.

Substitute other reception pallet.
Turn off 4 bolts of fastening 2.

Consider different length of bolts of fastening.

Dismantle the GRM case.
Turn off 4 bolts of fastening 1.
Dismantle a chain drive.
Release 2 bolts of fastening of a gear wheel of a camshaft.
Camshafts hold for a shestigrannik.
To stop the tension device of a chain 1.
Insert the KM-955-1 adaptation.
Dismantle the level of an uspokoitel 3 directing a level 5, a sled for a tension 7, driving gear wheels of camshafts.
Take out a driving chain of a cam-shaft 4 with a driving wheel 6.
Take out GRM case consolidation.
Remove a sealing ring of a cranked shaft in front.
Hook and take out a sealing ring.

Do not damage a sealing surface.

Clean sealing surfaces of the GRM case, the block of cylinders, heads of cylinders, support of a cranked shaft, the oil pallet, a cover of a head of cylinders, the pump of cooling liquid, the thermostat case.
If is available, remove hermetic in the field of consolidation of a head of cylinders.
Examine knots.

If it is necessary, to check and process a head of cylinders, remove from a head of cylinders everything established outside of a detail: a chain drive, the GRM case, the block of cylinders, a head of cylinders, a support of a cranked shaft, the oil pallet, a cover of a head of cylinders, the pump of cooling liquid, the thermostat case.

At replacement of details consider various options of a design. To watch correctness of numbers of details and the catalog.
Replace a sealing ring of a cranked shaft in front 1.
Sealing edges grease with silicone greasing (white).
Shift on KM-960 adaptations.
By means of the KM-960 adaptation hammer aflush.
Replace GRM case consolidation.
Put silicone hermetic on a joint of the block of cylinders and a support of a cranked shaft.

Installation works finish within 10 minutes.

Acting elastomer of consolidation of a head of the cylinder 1 separate and replace it with a strip of silicone hermetic in thickness of 2 mm.

If the acting elastomer is not present, it is possible to put a strip of silicone hermetic at once.

Establish a driving chain of a cam-shaft.

Track the correct landing of directing plugs (arrow).

Establish the KM-953 adaptation.
Bolts replace.
Driving wheel 5 shift.
Get a gear wheel of a final camshaft.
Screw a bolt.
Establish a driving chain of a cam-shaft 3.
Insert into a driving chain of a cam-shaft a gear wheel of an inlet camshaft with a disk of the phase sensor.
Screw a bolt.

The disk of the phase sensor should turn manually.

Establish a sled for a tension of a driving chain of a cam-shaft 6.
Tighten a bolt and tighten the moment of an inhaling of 20 N · m.

Watch correctness of landing of a driving chain of a cam-shaft.

Establish directing fillet of a driving chain of a cam-shaft 4.

Watch correctness of landing of a driving chain of a cam-shaft.

Tighten a bolt of 8 N · m.
Establish a level of an uspokoitel of a driving chain of a cam-shaft 2.
Tighten 2 bolts of fastening with the moment of 8 N · m.
Take out the KM-955-1 adaptation.
Establish the pump of cooling liquid.

Watch correctness of landing of directing plugs (arrow)

Consolidation 1 replace.
Establish by means of short bolts of fastening.
Tighten 3 bolts of fastening of 8 N · m.
Establish the GRM case.

Observe sequence of an inhaling.

Twirl 21 bolts of fastening.
Tighten 5 bolts of fastening 1 (М6) 8 N · m.
Tighten 14 bolts of fastening 2 (М6) 8 N · m.
Tighten 2 bolts of fastening 3 (М10) 35 N · m.
Establish a branch pipe of cooling liquid.
Consolidation of a branch pipe replace.
Tighten 3 bolts of fastening the moment of 8 N · m.
Lift the car.
Take out the KM-952 adaptation.

Fixing tools cannot be used for keeping.

Establish a nave of a cranked shaft.

Observe the assembly provision of a nave of a cranked shaft – the mark should indicate up.

Bolt replace.
Tighten a bolt of a nave of a cranked shaft.

For this procedure work of two people is required.

Hold naves by means of KM-956-1/KM-956-2 adaptations.
Tighten a bolt the moment of 150 N · m +45 °.
Remove KM-956-1/KM-956-2 adaptations.
Establish a pulley poliklinovy ременя a cranked shaft.
Tighten 6 bolts of fastening the moment of 8 N · m.
Hold a bolt of a nave of a cranked shaft.
Insert the KM-952 adaptation.
Lower the car.
Establish the KM-9541 adaptation.
Turn a disk of the phase sensor 2, there will be no yet a possibility to establish the KM-954 adaptation on the GRM case.
Fix driving gear wheels of camshafts.

In the beginning tighten a bolt of a driving gear wheel of an inlet camshaft.

Tighten 2 bolts of fastening the moment of 210 N · m.

Driving gear wheels of camshafts and disk of the phase sensor tighten with the moment of 10 N · m.

Camshafts support for a shestigrannik 1.
Take out fixing tools.

Fixing tools cannot be used for keeping.

Tighten driving gear wheels of camshafts.

For this procedure work of two people is required.

Bolts tighten the moment of 50 N · m +60 °.

In the beginning tighten a bolt of a driving gear wheel of an inlet camshaft.

Camshafts hold for a shestigrannik.
Turn a cranked shaft (720 °).
Establish adaptations KM-952, KM-953, KM-954.
Take out fixing tools KM-952, KM-953, KM-954.
Lift the car.
Establish a carving stopper of a support of a cranked shaft.
Replace a sealing ring.
Tighten a bolt of 50 N · m.
On the ECO model establish an engine cover below.
Lower the car.
Clean sealing surfaces of a head of cylinders, covers of a head of cylinders.
Establish a cover of a head of cylinders 1.
Replace consolidation 2 and a sealing ring.
Put hermetic (distance of 1-2 mm).

Installation works are necessary for finishing within 10 minutes.

Tighten 13 bolts of fastening the moment of 8 N · m.
Establish 2 hoses of ventilation of a case of the engine.
Establish the ignition module.
Turn off 2 pieces of KM-6009.
Tighten 2 bolts of fastening with the moment of 8 N · m.
Establish a plait of wires of a control system of the engine.
Lay a plait of wires.
Fix the channel for a plait of wires.
Connect 4 sockets of a plait of wires.
Connect plugs of the storage battery.
Program volatile memory.
Close a cowl.

«on page back
2.2.4. Head of the block of cylinders
on the following page»
2.2.6. Engine repair (Z10XE, Z10XEP, without the conditioner)