Repair of Opel Corsa C, from 2000 to 2005 of release.
1. Operation and car maintenance
1.1. Car description
1.2. Keys, locks of the doors, opening elements of a body
1.3. Governing bodies, combination of devices, light and sound alarm system
1.4. Seats
1.5. System of passive safety
1.6. Heating and air conditioning
1.7. Driving and car service
1.7.1. Start-up of the petrol engine
1.7.2. Start-up of the diesel engine
1.7.3. Parking brake
1.7.4. Car parking
1.7.5. Mechanical transmission
1.7.6. Easytronic transmission
1.7.7. Car driving with an automatic transmission
1.7.8. Councils to the driver
1.7.9. Engine start-up by means of an auxiliary starting cable
1.7.10. Towage of other car
1.7.11. Spare wheel (Corsa)
1.7.12. Jack and automobile tool (Corsa)
1.7.13. Wheel replacement
1.7.14. Electric equipment
1.7.15. Maintenance and inspection system
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Electric equipment schemes



1.7.8. Councils to the driver

The first 1000 km drive the car, constantly changing speed of movement.
Do not give full gas.
Do not force to work the engine at low turns.
Drive the car, switching transfers more often. On all transfers squeeze out an accelerator pedal no more, than on 3/4 courses.
Do not go with a speed above the maximum.
In a transit time of the first 200 km do not resort to emergency braking without emergency.
Do not go with the switched-off engine.
Many devices thus do not work (for example, the amplifier of braking, a steering servoamplifier). You endanger also yourselves, and other people.

Amplifier of braking
At the switched-off engine after one-two pressing of a pedal of a brake operation of the brake amplifier stops. Efficiency of braking thus does not decrease, however for braking it is required to make the bigger effort is considerable.

Steering with the electric amplifier
In case of shutdown of the hydraulic booster of a steering, for example, at car towage with the switched-off engine, the car, nevertheless, remains operated, however for this purpose it is required to put considerably big efforts.

Driving in mountain conditions, driving with the trailer
Cooling having blown works from the electric drive. Thus efficiency of cooling does not depend on engine turns. As on high turns of the engine more heat is allocated, and on low – it is less, on liftings it is not necessary to be switched to a low gear until the engine without problems overcomes lifting on higher transfer. Diesel engines: on liftings by a steepness of 10 % and more do not exceed on the 1st transfer speed of 30 km/h, on the 2nd transfer – 50 km/h.

Driving with cargo on a roof
Do not exceed a permissible load on a roof. With a view of safety it is necessary to distribute evenly cargo and it is reliable to fix it belts that do not allow its shift. Support pressure in tires according to car loading. Do not exceed speed of 120 km/h. Check reliability of fastening of luggage more often and tighten it.

Engine switching off
After switching off of the engine of the device обдува in motor office continue to work some time for cooling of units. At very high temperature of cooling liquid, for example, after driving in mountains: the engine in order to avoid heat accumulation approximately on 2 mines leave to idle.

Cars with engines with a turbo-supercharging
After driving with high frequency of rotation of the engine or with high load of the engine for protection of a turbonagnetatel leave to work the engine before switching off under low loading or during about 30 with idling.

Compulsory idling
Supply of fuel in a mode of compulsory idling is automatically disconnected, for example, at descent or braking. In a mode of compulsory idling do not press a pedal of an accelerator and do not switch off coupling to provide efficiency of shutdown of draft. For protection against catalyst damage draft shutdown periodically деактивизируется at high temperature of the catalyst.

Cars with engines with a turbo-supercharging
At a fast otpuskaniye of a pedal of an accelerator owing to air streams in a turbonagnetatel air noise can be formed.

Frequency of rotation
On each transfer it is necessary to go whenever possible by lower turns of the engine.

Engine warming up in movement
Warm up the engine in movement, instead of idling. Do not give full gas until the working temperature will be reached. The automatic transmission and Easytronic box after cold start are switched to an overgear at higher turns. Thus the catalyst quickly reaches the temperature demanded for optimum reduction of emission of harmful substances in an exhaust.
Not to overload the engine idling and low transfers. At movement on too high speeds on separate transfers or driving modes, and also at trips on small distances wear and fuel consumption raises.

Return gear shifting
When falling speed switch back transfer – do not leave in contact coupling at the increased frequency of rotation of the engine. It is especially important when driving in mountains.
Coupling always squeeze out against the stop to avoid problems when switching and transmission damages. When driving do not use a coupling pedal as a support for a foot as wear of coupling thus raises.

Cooling having blown
The fan обдува copes a thermoswitch and consequently works only if necessary.

Do not place in the bottom space any subjects which can roll down under pedals and, thereby, limit its course. to provide a full speed of pedals, in their zone it is forbidden подклады вать mats.

At slow driving and at the standing car, for example, at slow movement in the city, when driving on short distances and in a jam it is necessary to disconnect whenever possible consumers of the electric power (for example, heating of back glass, heating of forward seats).
At start-up of the engine squeeze out coupling not to load a starter and the accumulator.

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1.7.7. Car driving with an automatic transmission
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1.7.9. Engine start-up by means of an auxiliary starting cable