Repair of Opel Corsa C, from 2000 to 2005 of release.
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
2.1. Petrol engines Z10XE, Z10XEP, Z12XE, Z12XEP DOHC-I
2.1.1. Engine number
2.1.2. Check of pressure of oil (Z10XE, Z10XEP)
2.1.3. Check of a compression of the engine (Z10XE, Z10XEP)
2.1.4. Check of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye (Z10XE, Z10XEP, without the conditioner)
2.1.5. Check of pressure of compression (Z10XE, Z10XEP, with the conditioner)
2.1.6. Check of pressure of fuel (Z10XE, Z10XEP, with the conditioner)
2.2. Mechanical part of petrol engines Z10XE, Z10XEP, Z12XE, Z12XEP DOHC-I
2.3. Cooling system
2.4. Greasing system
2.5. Injection system
2.6. Petrol engines – the general procedures of check
2.7. Mechanical part of the engine
2.8. Verifying and repair operations of components of a mechanical part of the engine
2.9. Cooling system
2.10. System of injection of fuel of petrol engines
2.11. Greasing system
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Electric equipment schemes

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2.1.3. Check of a compression of the engine (Z10XE, Z10XEP)

Check procedure
Open a cowl
Remove the case of the air filter 1.
For this purpose disconnect 2 sockets of a plait of wires, a termoanemometrichesky film mass flowmeter of air 3, the valve of ventilation of a tank 2.
Release the valve of ventilation of a tank.
Dismantle soaking-up branch pipe 4.
For this purpose turn off 2 nuts.
Dismantle a hose of ventilation of a case of the engine 5.
On Z10XEP: remove soaking-up air hose, release a collar and unscrew a bolt (shooter).
Dismantle the ignition module.
Uncover the ignition module.

Shift it to the right.

Disconnect the socket of a plait of wires.
Turn off 2 bolts of fastening.
Take out the module by means of the special KM-6009 adaptation.

Do not warp the provision of a cover.

Turn out 3 spark plugs using the KM-1 94-E adaptation.
Lift the car.
Remove a casing of a poliklinovy belt.
For what unscrew 3 bolts of fastening 1.
Remove a clip (shooter).
Lower the car.
Establish the provision VMT of ignition of the cylinder 1.

Marking of a pulley of a cranked shaft should be on one line with a lug on the GRM case.

Put on a belt pulley auxiliary marks with shift on 120 ° to a mark of VMT of ignition of the cylinder 1.
Unscrew a cover of a maslonalivny branch pipe.

Marking of a pulley of a cranked shaft should be on one line with a lug on the GRM case.

Open a cover of a compensatory tank of cooling liquid carefully and slowly since there is a danger of a burn.

Unscrew a cover of a compensatory tank of cooling liquid
Pull out щуп an oil meter.

Pay attention to sufficient length of the adapter. Connection of the adapter should be easily available. Do not damage a spark plug carving.

The adapter and measuring instrument of pressure drop establish on the cylinder 1.
Include transfer and tighten the parking brake

All wheels should concern a basic surface.

Check pressure drop on the cylinder 1.

Observe instructions of the manufacturer.

Check engine pressure drop in other cylinders.
Establish position VMT of the cylinder 2.
Rearrange the adapter and a pressure drop measuring instrument on the cylinder 2.
Check pressure drop on the cylinder 2.
Establish position VMT of the cylinder 3.
Rearrange the adapter and a pressure drop measuring instrument on the cylinder 3.
Check pressure drop on the cylinder 3.
Remove a pressure drop measuring instrument.
Establish the provision of idling.
Dismantle the adapter from the cylinder 3.
Establish spark plugs.
By means of the special KM-194-E adaptation tighten 3 pieces with the moment of 25 N · m.
Establish the ignition module.
Tighten 2 bolts of fastening with the moment of 8 N · m.
Connect the socket of a plait of wires.
Establish a cover of the module of ignition.
Insert щуп an oil meter.
Twirl a cover of a compensatory tank of cooling liquid.
Twirl a cover of a maslonalivny branch pipe.
Establish the case of the air filter. Tighten a bolt.
On Z10XEP engines: establish soaking-up air hose and tighten a collar the moment of 3,5 N · m.
Fix soaking-up branch pipe.
Replace a sealing ring.
Tighten 2 nuts the moment of 8 N · m.
Establish a hose of ventilation of a case of the engine. Connect the valve of ventilation of a tank, connect 2 sockets of a plait of wires
Lift the car.
Establish a casing of a poliklinovy belt.
Twirl 3 bolts of fastening.
Establish a clip.
Lower the car.
Close a cowl.

«on page back
2.1.2. Check of pressure of oil (Z10XE, Z10XEP)
on the following page»
2.1.4. Check of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye (Z10XE, Z10XEP, without the conditioner)