Repair of Opel Corsa C, from 2000 to 2005 of release.
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
2.1. Petrol engines Z10XE, Z10XEP, Z12XE, Z12XEP DOHC-I
2.2. Mechanical part of petrol engines Z10XE, Z10XEP, Z12XE, Z12XEP DOHC-I
2.3. Cooling system
2.4. Greasing system
2.5. Injection system
2.6. Petrol engines – the general procedures of check
2.6.1. General information
2.6.2. Check of loss of pressure in the engine (engines of 1,4-1,6 l)
2.6.3. Check of loss of pressure in the engine (the engine of 1,8 l)
2.6.4. Compression check (engines of 1,4-1,8 l)
2.6.5. Check of tightness of the engine (the contents WITH in cooling system)
2.6.6. Measurement of a consumption of oil
2.7. Mechanical part of the engine
2.8. Verifying and repair operations of components of a mechanical part of the engine
2.9. Cooling system
2.10. System of injection of fuel of petrol engines
2.11. Greasing system
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Electric equipment schemes


2.6.6. Measurement of a consumption of oil

The consumption of oil of an internal combustion engine is meant as amount of the oil consumed as a result of process of combustion. The consumption of oil should not be confused to oil loss owing to leaks through consolidations of the oil pallet and a cover of a head of the block of cylinders.
Engine oil is intended for division of surfaces of a friction by an oil film, that is for prevention of a dry friction, and also the heat removal made by a friction and removal of products of combustion.
All this leads to a gradual consumption of oil in engine operating time.
Except service conditions, the consumption of oil is influenced by style of driving and production admissions.
It is necessary to add oil when its level falls below «MIN» mark on щупе for level measurement.
It is also important to guarantee, that level of oil did not exceed «MAX» mark on щупе for level measurement as it can lead to the increased consumption of oil.
As the consumption of oil is defined by technical factors, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the engine does not consume oil at certain operational modes which lead to an oil razzhizheniye.
Under condition of frequent start-up from a cold condition in the beginning movements, before achievement by the engine of working temperature, the oil getting back to the oil pallet, carries away with itself fuel. Fuel "dissolves" oil and its level rises.
Such dissolved oil loses greasing ability and can cause engine damage if the ordered intervals of replacement of oil are not observed.
Movement mainly in city conditions, at not heated-up engine, with frequency of rotation of the crankshaft is higher than turns of idling is the main reason of a razzhizheniye of oil.
As the consumption of oil is stabilized only after several thousand kilometers of run, the size of its expense cannot be established precisely before achievement of run about 7500 km.
Before measurement of a consumption of oil be convinced that the engine does not lose oil because of leak.
Oil щуп it can be used only to check oil level. The engine should be switched off at least for 5 миндо checks of level of oil. If after replacement the maximum volume of the filled-in oil does not correspond to a maximum level on щупу, the reason of it are necessary production admissions.
All information of rather admissible consumption of engine oil and refueling volumes is in "User's guide" and the service book.

Check procedure
1. For check the car should be established on a horizontal surface, and the engine is heated-up to working temperature (temperature of engine oil not less than 80 °C).
2. Merge engine oil immediately after engine switching off. Time plum – about 30 mines (this value is received at technical tests).
3. The amount of the merged engine oil is defined by means of the measuring container. The container is filled with new oil to the maximum refueling volume from which subtract volume of the oil remaining in the oil filter.
4. This amount of engine oil should suffice on run in 1000 km needlessly долива (road conditions and style of driving should not change).
5. After that the previous procedure (items 1 and 2) with the same time oil plum repeats.
6. The amount of the oil which now is "absent" in the measuring container, is equal to a consumption of engine oil for this run.
7. The consumption of oil is calculated as follows: amount of the filled-in oil (l) – amount of the merged oil (l) + the general run (km) x 1000 = a consumption of oil (km l/1000).

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2.6.5. Check of tightness of the engine (the contents WITH in cooling system)
on the following page»
2.7. Mechanical part of the engine